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  • Getting Started > SECURITY > Steps to change mobile phone number by using Google Authenticator 2FA
  • Steps to change mobile phone number by using Google Authenticator 2FA


    The following steps are to replace mobile phone numbers using Google Authenticator

           1. Make sure the new mobile number is active and the mobile is next to you

    1. Log in di

    3.    Then click Account - My Profile

    4.    Click the edit button next to the mobile number you want to change (Phone number or Alt Phone)


    5.    A dialog box for changing mobile phone number appears


    6.    Enter the new cellphone number in the 'new phone column '(without entering the number 0 in front of the cellphone number, for example, xxxxxx5250125 written xxxxxx5250125

    7.    Click get code in the ' new phone code verification column '


    8.    Check the cellphone with the new number, wait for it to enter an SMS containing the ' Verification Code ', then enter the code>


    9.    Open the Google Authenticator application on your Smartphone, see the code that appears, make sure the Code is from (your_Email_Address) and enter the code into the Google Authentication Code column then click Submit button

    The system will update your mobile number automatically, you will receive a confirmation that the mobile number has been replaced automatically.

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